Friday, April 23, 2010

全创巡回造势01 IVSC Promo Tour@Station One Taman Equine

全创复赛已经告一段落,而众所期待的总决赛也即将来临。为了宣传将在六月举行的全创总决赛,全创将会到各地的Station One休闲音乐餐厅以作巡回造势活动。第一场造势活动将会于本周六晚上8点30分于Station One Cafe@Taman Equine展开!届时将会有来自博特拉大学的音子创作坊为大家带了动听的歌曲演绎。住在附近的朋友们可别错过了这次的表演哦!

It's been a while since our 5th Malaysia IVSC's Semi Final, and the moment that all of us are waiting for - the Grand Finale is just around the corner! In order to promote the Grand Finale which will soon be held on 26 June, we are organizing promo road tours to Station One Cafes around Selangor. The 1st promo road tour would be on this coming Saturday, 24 April, 8:30p.m. at the Station One Cafe in Taman Equine, Seri Kembangan (SK)!  Moreover, Yinzi Acoustic Workshop from Universiti Putra Malaysia will be performing to you on that very night! So, don't miss this opportunity. Head on over to Station One Cafe this Saturday. See ya there!